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Employee of the Month 2023

Matthew Hager

Matthew Hager


Matthew Hager joined the Cornwell Lawn & Landscaping team in the Spring of 2020. Starting out as a Lawn Lead, Matt has quickly worked his way up to becoming one of our top Landscape Leads. We chose Matthew as our employee of the month for January because he is known for his commitment to excellence and hard work. His real expertise lies in lawn and landscaping, but he also performs great mechanic work and helps us out whenever he can. Congrats on your outstanding work, Matthew!

Cordero (CJ) Hardy

Cordero (CJ) Hardy


For the month of February, Cordero (CJ) Hardy was nominated as our Employee of the month. CJ started with us back in the summer of 2019 as a laborer and within one short year became one of our top Lawn Leads. CJ is quick to help others and volunteers to work on the weekends whenever we need extra help. After receiving several compliments from his co-workers regarding his work ethic and positive attitude, we all believe that CJ deserves some recognition! CJ, you always put in 100% and we see it. Thank you for helping us all succeed!

James Sali

James Sali


We’ve nominated James Sali as our Employee of the Month for March! James joined our team back in the beginning of 2019 as a laborer and quickly worked his way to becoming a Landscape Lead. James started out this lawn season strong with a proactive, can-do attitude and has been encouraging others to do the same. During our team meetings you can always count on him to be upbeat and positive! James is reliable, on time, and always gets the job done within the designated timeframe, making him one of our model employees. James, we appreciate you for more than just your work! We also want to celebrate your character and the positive effect you have on others. Congrats on earning the title of Employee of the Month for March, you deserve it!

Keith Johnson profile photo

Keith Johnson


Spring is here, which means so is our April Employee of the Month, Keith Johnson! Keith joined the Cornwell Lawn team back in the beginning of 2022 as a laborer and within a short year, he was helping us with multiple job roles! Keith has many skills, some of which include landscaping, mowing, mechanical work, and he even helps with designing our company shirts/safety vests. Aside from his many talents, Keith is reliable and always has a “Can Do” attitude! He shows up to work on-time every day and always gets the job done, plus our Sales Team loves him! Keith we just wanted to say that no matter the situation, you always rise to the occasion! Thank you for your unwavering dedication; it doesn’t go unnoticed!

James Justice


April showers bring May flowers, they also bring along the new Employee of the Month! We’d like to introduce James Justice as our Employee of the Month for May. James started out as a laborer back in early 2018 and within a quick couple of months became a Lawn Crew Lead. We’re so grateful to have someone like James on our team! He’s reliable, works great with everyone, is always respectful/punctual, and doesn’t leave the job until it’s done correctly. We receive tons of compliments regarding his work ethic/communication skills from both customers and employees, which is one of the reasons we chose him as our Employee of the Month. James, your contribution to our work proves what we already knew, that you are a strong team player and a connoisseur of excellence! Congrats on winning this month!

Damian Porter


We’re ready to kick-off Summer by announcing the June Employee of the Month, Damian Porter! Damian joined the team back in 2019 as a laborer at one of our larger properties and is now running the site as the Crew Lead! We’ve loved watching his work ethic evolve over the years. No matter what gets thrown Damian’s way, he handles it with a smile. He keeps his crew positive and upbeat, along with anyone else who might get the chance to interact with him. Even on his worst day, his work always shines. One of our Core Values happens to be positivity, which is why we’ve selected Damian as our Employee of the Month! Damian, this company’s future is sure to be bright with team members like you. Thank you for all your hard work, keep it up! Congratulations!

Thomas Johnson


Like a firework we’re bringing in our July Employee of the Month with a boom, Thomas Johnson! Tom started with us back in 2020 as a laborer and since then has become one of our top Landscape Leads. After receiving several compliments from our sales team and customers, we were excited to nominate him as the Employee of the Month! Tom takes his role very serious but can make work fun! He keeps everyone around him laughing and smiling, while getting the job done in a professional and timely manner. It puts all of us at ease knowing Tom can handle any job thrown his way, big or small. Tom, you have the perfect combination of a personality and an ability to provide the best client work. Thank you for all your hard work. We’re lucky to have you on our team!

James Prince


August is here which means Summer is on its way out, but not before we announce the Employee of the Month, James Prince! James joined the team back in 2021 and is currently one of our Landscape Laborers. The growth we’ve seen in James since he first started with us is one of the reasons why he was chosen as Employee of the Month! He has become so confident in his work over the last couple of years, which is easy to see from each job he completes. We’re able to send James with any crew lead and we know he will get the project done right every single time. James is reliable, courteous of others, and always puts all his effort into the job at hand. We’re excited to keep watching him grow within our company and can’t wait to see how much further he goes! James, you do great work; you deserve a huge thank you from the entire company! Congratulations on winning Employee of the Month for August, you deserve it!!

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